Tuesday 29 April 2014

Innovation SIG Announcement: New Roundtable Event: Innovation SIG , 26 Jun 2014

Innovation and leading change is critical to organisational growth, or even survival. Markets and technologies are changing rapidly; what served us well even 5 years ago may be becoming irrelevant. Knowledge work has never been more critical in facilitating diversity of thinking.

 As Facilitator for the Innovation Special Interest Group, I have been working with Jon Harman of Syngenta to update the KIN Innovation Maturity Model. As you will know from the other KIN Maturity Models, this is useful for both benchmarking against other organisations and as a gap-analysis tool. The intention is to use this to highlight and share new insights in KIN member organisations' innovation practice and impact. We propose this approach…

 1. Identify who in your organisation would both benefit from and contribute to this KIN innovation initiative. These may range from dedicated R&D functions or ‘ideation’ teams, particularly innovative individuals or anyone with a passion for creative problem solving.

 2. Meet for an Innovation Roundtable, to review and agree the new draft innovation model (we have a draft to work with). We would also discuss the best level of ‘granularity’ to apply the model - too high level will mask pockets of excellence, too low will provide too much data. Those outside the UK are welcome to participate even if you cannot be present at the Roundtable.

 3. Collect the data from your organisation and produce the innovation practice gap analysis. We will use the KIN online Maturity Model tool to do this.

 4. Use what we learn to identify high performing innovators and those with a desire to improve.

This may result in peer-to-peer learning, sharing of specific good practice, site-visits or events specifically tailored to bridge the competency gaps, including those outside the KIN network.

Full details can be found on this event page:
Roundtable: Innovation SIG

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