Friday, 6 February 2009

Connecting & Collecting

Nick Milton just posted a good article about Connect & Collect on his blog. And I think he's absolutely right - you need a bit of both. I've been doing a bit of both myself only this morning.

I've just recently bought a Popcorn Hour Networked Media Tank. It's a bit of a mouthful, but essentially it's a piece of kit that allows me to stream Video, Music and Photos from my PC to the TV and A/V amp in my living room. It's a great piece of kit, but it does take a bit of technical savvy if you want to get all the bells and whistles jangling and tooting.
So I've been trawling the User Community bulletin boards for advice and solutions. There's lot's there, but it takes a bit of digging out.
There is also a Wiki. But at the moment the content on the Wiki is a bit sparse. So I decided that, when I find a nugget of useful information that helps me, hidden in the depths of the bulletin board, I will incorporate that nugget on the appropriate Wiki page. Hopefully others will too.

So those of us 'connecting' using the bulletin boards will 'collect' the helpful knowledge in the Wiki where it is more readily found.

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